Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Touge part 2 - Cameron fun with TK, Steven and Jeya

Not being a touge for very long time could rust yourself from your driving skills. In order to maintain myself where I was last at. I decided to arrange myself some touge time with TK. I told him on that specific evening, to gather as much friends as possible, so we can head up to do some training.

Did I choose the wrong day? Well, YES and NO. The best part is that I was touge-ing in pitch black. I had such experience back then while in Australia, while going through the dense forest in Arthur's Seat without proper lighting. The only sad part is that I cant drop shift as fast as manual cars going uphill. Being the lead car, it is pretty stressful. The glaring headlights at the back was really pushing me to the limit. I was hesitating heavily, as I was unable to gauge myself on the road I was doing. Obviously, I had to avoid going inside the ditch and getting a hell of a scolding from my parents.

On the side note, I really had fun. Its good to know lots of talented people attempting the great Cameron Highlands. It was good to know new people, like Jeya, Steven, Steven's girlfriend (Sim Yuen) and Leena. I hope I get to have more fun time soon.

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