Today my cousin Terry and I, decided to run up to Ipoh, to do some errands for the company, with my dad's Ssangyong Rexton 2.7 XDi. Whilst a few kilometers away from Tesco Supermarket, there was an arrogant W210 Mercedes-Benz E200 (previous model) who suddenly overtook the Rexton from the left and slammed the brakes, passing me like a total noob. He got me really mad, so I chased him and overtook him the first time. He was unhappy and decided to drive like a mad man, going pass double lines, passing Jeram town and speeding non-stop. I was far away from him and like what I learn from TK, stay focus on driving fast and tackling corners properly. Few kilometers before Gopeng, near the highway interchange, I managed to see him again and was at his tail again. He totally freaked out and sped off a red light. (it was red light for a long while, yet he didn't care) So he had another headstart again, till I waited for the lights to change. So I tapped the Touch-n-go card on the reader and there I go, blasting the Rexton at 170km/h. I managed to catch up with him again, near the Gopeng R&R. Desperate to lose me, he didn't even let me pass, even though I was tailgating him and flashing him. Soon, we reached the Ipoh toll, he had to keep left to go into Touch-n-go lane. Thank god I have the Smart tag. For some loser egoistic person who drives a Merc, its a pure joke, to not even have a smart-tag unit. I honked the bastard, I bet he was pissed I overtook him easily. So after the toll plaza, there was some construction in front, I had to slow down, but I saw the Merc keeping up real fast. He was at my tail and the single lane road becomes a 2 lane road at the end of the construction. The road was hogged by Mitsubishi Storm, slowly trying to pass off the bus. I noticed the gap and then tapped on the gas pedal and stomped all the way, passed the Storm. The E-class tried to follow, but I'm sure he had no torque to follow. So, I bet he was super pissed. Beware of this lame driver, AAQ 1x.
On the way back, Terry and I spotted a Brabus kitted E-class. We thought the Perak-plated Merc was the K4, but since there was no K4 label on it. I suspect it was just a E-class on Brabus kit. So our suspicion was true, when a real Brabus K4 was at the back of the Rexton. The real prowl of the functional muffler and Supercharged inline 4 engine was the real deal. So we decided to let the real K4 go against the kitted Brabus. Turns out the Brabus kitted car was a sore loser, not wanting to let the E-class pass. At one miracle point, we saw the K4 overtaking the wannabe Brabus and snapped some awesome pictures. No doubt, this is the real deal. Seriously, what are the odds of having two Brabus going side by side (especially the fake one) together.
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