Friday, August 22, 2008

Bandar Sunway stupid idiot - Black Proton Waja

I was driving normally on the way home after a TT session with Bimmersclub, when suddenly I was tailgated by this Proton Waja in black color. He passed me and suddenly he overtook me and stomped the brakes hard. I stomp my brakes hard too without the help of ABS and I believe his car had ABS, as he didn't sway like I did. But anyways, I managed to correct the angle, after tons of computer game playing on Test Drive Unlimited. It really helps you with mental preparation in case of a spin. So he taunted me on the Yellow star on the map, headed on to the onramp that leads to PJS9. I was trailing at his back, mad and furious, honking him and flashing him my lights. So he decided to speed and went faster on that S curve. I knew he was going over the safe speed, as I usually do my "tackle the corner" on that specific road. So he went in quick and he fish-tailed. I thought he would be able to react and correct his angle, but he turned it too hard and the car went towards the ditch. It was partially in the ditch, leaning over the barrier. (Red star) As his bumper and remains were scattered on the road, I had no choice but to floor and correct my angle, to avoid skidding and ramming into him. I managed to swerve away from him and managed to beat the green light on the traffic light and turned back into my house. Knowing that he spun out of control, he would probably be a sore loser and point fingers at me. So I decided to let the next passer by to help, after all it was just a minor accident anyways. I guess some noobs never learn how to control their car properly, much like Ben's expedition up Cameron Highlands with TK. Oh well

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