Watch this granddaddy of a car go against a modern Aussie muscle car. I would probably define the Lotus Carlton as a properly tuned car, compared to its Aussie counterpart. Watch how they go head to head in the video below, as demonstrated by Vicki-Butler, the only female driver/host in the show, Fifth gear. Enjoy the video below and see how old-school power (with no traction control) goes again modern tech.
Monday, September 29, 2008
World's Superfast sedan before the M5 E90 - Lotus Carlton/Omega
Watch this old episode of Top Gear(hosted by Tiff Needle, which now hosts Fifth gear). This car was ahead of its time, it was possibly the only other car than the Nissan Skyline GTR, that had an inline six with twin turbo charged engine. 377bhp, 568nm of torque. Thats nuts for the time. Police cars could not stop the car, until it crashed. It was banned for import in the USA because of its power.
Badminton court in Kampar club
Since I'm practically having holidays I guess I just needed to go out and exercise. So where else to exercise in the rain and in the dark? The answer, the badminton court, around my neighbourhood. I never liked badminton before and I think its becoming an interesting sport to me. I guess as you get older, you tend to love things you never loved when your younger. Just like how you didn't like vegetables in contrast to know, you can be a complete vegetarian. Anyways, here are the shots of the local badminton scene. Cheers

Cameron Touge with TK (KE70), Fuji (KE70) and Steven (Gen2)
I have been deprived of 2 months of touge-ing. This is largely due to the fact that people couldn't make time or actually spend a little more money pumping petrol in their car for uphill and downhill fun. Now that petrol price has fallen about 25 cents. I guess its now even worth it to take the car to the limit again. I have not set foot on any touge expedition. Well without any further delay, I guess showing a video of our touge expedition says it all. (Sorry no recording on my side, as I lost my memory card and its rare to find RS-MMC cards nowdays). Have fun with the video. Thanks to TK, Fuji and Steven for the fun time.

Friday, September 26, 2008
Fraulein Revoltech 002 - Tohsaka Rin from Fate Stay Night
I bought this from 2 weeks ago and it was on bargain. It was sold at about RM50 (about USD16). It was a good deal, as it would usually cost up to 32USD in the end of the day. I guess this is the less loved character, compared to another character, Saber. I guess girls in armor and blonde hair are attractive to some, compared to Brunettes with short skirts. LOL.
Shelby Cobra 427
It would be nuts to imagine such classic car to appear in Malaysia. I spotted this car in Bandar Sunway. This car houses one of the meanest engines around, a Chevrolet big block 427-cubic inch (roughly 7-8 litres in equilavent). Imagine what this baby could do, raw power and torque. I bet it could eat my car, eat any bloggers car and most cars I know, for breakfast. It's roadster shell is no doubt ideal for any day touge, except it probably be too expensive to drive around, hopefully not getting bumped or bump into something.

60,000 km mileage
Hot dog eating champion
Yeap, this is the video where Kobayashi takes it all. Watch how he gobbles and beat his competitors in a hotdog eating competition
Human and bear
Kobayashi, one of Japanese craziest guys (also world champion for eating the most hotdogs in a certain time) has found himself fighting an unexpected opponent, a bear. Watch how the bear eats and how Kobayashi goes as close as he can go. Look at the size of the bear versus the human. It's crazy enough to see what a human being can do, with his size especially.
1.5L Drinking Contest, Domon vs Kobayashi
5 seconds, thats all it takes for the fastest person in Japan, to drink the whole bottom, ground up. Watch this video and see how he got inspired in doing it. It surely sent everyone's eyeballs bloated.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
IKEA Buka Puasa Buffet
Normally, during Hari Raya times, the Muslims would fast for a month, in preparation for their upcoming New Year celebration. Taking note of the local community, Swedish store IKEA decides to pass out a good deal on food. IKEA gives out a Malaysian buffet treat for RM15.90++ (without 5 percent tax). I would say, the food is good, but the choice is rather less, compared to last years. Overall, still a very good deal, if you fasted too.

Hard Disk Recovery
My little brother's hard disk decides to die unexpectedly. Initially, I thought I could bring it back to life and back up its files, but this error comes up on the Windows blue screen, UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_DEVICE. Now this is pretty weird, as the BIOS from the PC detects it as a drive but was unable to read it. So I googled on the web and found this Data Recovery Center in PJ. So I called up them, Achieva and sent my hard drive here. Hours later, they checked the hard drive and found out that the motor wasn't functioning. It costs RM1300 to retrieve the files from the drive (or RM975 after student's discount) I think its rather absurd, even for the pricing, but I guess the end question is rather, is your data worth RM1000. 4 years of artwork and sentimental is the question to the willingness of spending the money. Whats your feedback on these, readers?

Monday, September 22, 2008
Proton Prima
I was really bored today and decided to do Photoshop again and made some large ass cars. Because I don't really own a company and knowing that Proton does not follow a set of standardised design cues. I guess I could make some cars that relate to the company, wanting to be the BMW of Asia. So without a due, here's the non-existant Proton Prima Large sedan.

Bored month
This could be one of the most boring months around with nothing to do. Ops Sikap (Malaysian's traffic ambush operations) is around the corner and its ever hard to avoid getting caught through a roadblock or being clocked by a speed radar gun. I guess everyone would probably be law abiding citizens now and have to go through with the super annoying slow speed. I wonder if the government ever made a survey and found out that, the reducing the speed limit by 10 km/h is stupid. It's going to make everyone die of fatigue, not really by an accident or collision. Well, thanks to our half-assed government as usual
road block,
speed trap
11 minutes in Super Mario 3
If finishing Super Mario in 5 minutes is fast, wait till you see a more complex, Super Mario 3, being beaten in a record, within youtube recording time. Here, watch it and see what I mean.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Super Mario Super fast winning
5 minutes and that's all it takes to win Super Mario. I've never thought of it could be that fast but this video below proved me wrong.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Real life Garfield
This cat perfectly emulates Garfield. Look at the way he sits and does nothing on the couch
Super fast Calculation girl
You'll be surprised by what a Japanese girl can do. Looking at the speed of calculation, it could hardly be emulated.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Kampar Night Market
It's a public holiday today and there was nothing to do. I wanted to get TK out for some yumcha time, but he said he had to go to KL early morning and come back late at night. So with really nothing to do, I went out to the nearby "pasar malam" (otherwise known as night market) to walk around. The night market starts at about 5PM in the evening and would end in the late hours at about 12AM, every Wednesday. There's a variety of food and drinks to be sold. You could even buy fresh vegetables from there too. While walking around, we decided to buy some durians, dragon fruits and some prawn crackers. Well, it turned out a good night after all. Here are some pictures for self viewing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My lazy cat
Damn I must be pretty bored at home with no one to touge with. My cat caught my attention, seeing him lazing on the chair. It's a good spot to pick no doubt. Sometimes, I would love to be a cat, some creature with no worries and you get fed and love by your owner. Definitely something everyone wants to feel. I hope this adorable cat picture warms my readers up.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Dog or Monkey?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Unexpected turn for Super Mario
This short video totally cracked me up, despite it being a short video, but it is one ending you would want to expect, after beating your video game.
Quantum of Solace trailer
Seeing the Aston Martin in my hometown, I quickly remembered about the upcoming 007 moving. I hear there is going to be an interesting chase between the Aston Martin DB9 Vantage, up against the top of the range Alfa Romeo 3.2 V6. While the Aston Martin costs 8 times more expensive, you would be suprised how much the Alfa Romeo would be a chaser. I am hoping to watch this movie soon, hopefully in November.
Pocky - Chocolate Crush Almond and Cookies
Obviously, now that my grandpa is sick, I could do nothing but stay home and take care of the house. So I decided to get naughty and took out some Pocky I bought from Thailand. What's Pocky you say? Any Japanese culture fanatic guy would be able to explain to you that, Pocky is a biscuit stick, dipped in chocolate syrup, in this case, crushed almond and cookies, with syrup. Wonder how good it tastes, just go to the Jusco department store near you. They sell them too, but way more expensive than in Thailand.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sick, sad and moodless
Alright, no pictures for this. My grandpa was sick and was sent to the hospital in Kampar, after passing out blood from his ass. I was drained out yesterday for 12 hours, driving my parents to go to the Hospital hopefully to be able to determine what was the problem. Well, things took for the worse, when the doctors were unable to determine whats wrong. So they sent my grandpa to Ipoh Hospital in the ambulance at 3PM. He's now hospitalised in the semi-critical ward and hopefully he would be alright soon. I had a tiring day and all and I hope he will be fine
Aston Martin Vantage DB9 in Kampar
No, Kampar isn't the next venue for the next James Bond flick (though Quantum of Solace, the Casino Royale sequel, will show in cinemas beginning of November). This is something you don't see everyday in a quiet town in Kampar. As far as it goes, I've spotted an old Porsche 911 spotting a Sabah old number plate (EG300M) and a white Mercedes-Benz SL55. No doubt I've spotted a Nissan Skyline too, but that doesn't compare much to this British Exotic Supercar. All I could do is follow the car around Kampar town and snap pictures, in awe about this magnificently beautiful car. All I did was point that to my dad and he says, that's a good looking sports car, but definitely the price turned him off. Here's some pictures to enjoy.

Mercedes Benz C200 replacement
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mercedes Benz C200 repainting - DONE!
Here's the update of the repainting and all you know, its DONE. Look at the glittering paint and all. With some exposure to Discovery Real Time, my mom was sold on repainting her car. I guess TV exposure really helps. Right now, this is my future rear wheel drive vehicle, though don't expect it to be as good as an AE86 Toyota Trueno

Alternative Diesel?
Due to uncertainty of petrol prices lately. Most likely a drop in Hari Raya (and possibly another raise in Chinese New Year), I realised there are ways to make your own diesel fuel. What I am going to show you, might amaze you. Well, this would definitely be a more reasonable way to show what you could do with cooking oil. Diesel-powered touge anyone?
The video above shows about the efficiency of cooking oil as diesel fuel. Watch the video below, where Top gear refines the cooking oil and make it more combustible.
The video above shows about the efficiency of cooking oil as diesel fuel. Watch the video below, where Top gear refines the cooking oil and make it more combustible.
cooking oil,
Spore - computer game
Lately, I've kept myself occupied with the worldwide gaming craze. Spore, your friendly creature creator, which you create your own creatures and battle out with others, online or offline. So far I've reached to the level that I would need to battle online and the PC keeps on crashing, most likely due to the vast universe that the computer can't cache. Oh well, there goes RM129, for the original game and its worth it. Just need to run on a better piece of computer though. Here's a trailer from Spore
Artificial Girl 3 - The hentai simulator game
Not many are aware of this game, because it was written for the Japanese audiences. One of my best buddies from Japan, Joshua, decided to tell me all about it. He showed me this youtube video and got me all aroused. Watch this video and you know what I mean. I heard you could custom build the girl of your dreams and have "fun" with it. Definitely something to keep you occupied once in a while.
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Honda City
I was there with my cousin Terry, collecting his mother's car road tax and I saw this Snow White beauty. An I-VTEC engine producing 120PS and 148Nm of torque, thats pretty remarkable and probably faster than what my automatic Proton Satria Neo can do. It is a wonder to see a small 1.5 I-VTEC engine fit in the small and tight engine compartment. Sadly, I didn't wanted to test drive, as I had no intention of buying another hatch, so this here is some pictures for those who are curious how does a white Jazz looks like.

Trip to Thailand
I spent my Merdeka weekend from 31st August till 3rd of September in Hadyai, Thailand. I was there, staying in a 4-star Hotel, in Novotel Hadyai. I would say, the room rates are reasonable at 150bahts a night. You have nice hospitality and good looking rooms, at that price, much better than Hotel Regency, which located opposite of the hotel.
Down below the hotel, lies the Central shopping center. It was definitely a nice place to shop and cosy. But it was the last day of sales, so everyone was there to pick up a bargain. I picked up some figurines, clothes and a pair of sandals.
Next day, I headed opposite of Central, into Lea Gardens and I saw this large anime figurines shop. I was definitely amazed at the collection, but I was short of money at the time anyways. All I can do next is head down to Tops Supermarket and was suprised to find the collection of chocolates stacked in a cabinet. Note that these are chocolates you don't find in Malaysia. I only bought a few boxes of Pocky sticks though.
At night, we had a walk in Hadyai's street. It's pretty empty, since the riots have pretty much blocked off Hadyai. This is all that to see. Since we paid for 3 days stay, all we did was eat and sleep, enjoying Thai massage and all. I wish I had more pictures, but I was too lazy to take any.

Down below the hotel, lies the Central shopping center. It was definitely a nice place to shop and cosy. But it was the last day of sales, so everyone was there to pick up a bargain. I picked up some figurines, clothes and a pair of sandals.
Next day, I headed opposite of Central, into Lea Gardens and I saw this large anime figurines shop. I was definitely amazed at the collection, but I was short of money at the time anyways. All I can do next is head down to Tops Supermarket and was suprised to find the collection of chocolates stacked in a cabinet. Note that these are chocolates you don't find in Malaysia. I only bought a few boxes of Pocky sticks though.
At night, we had a walk in Hadyai's street. It's pretty empty, since the riots have pretty much blocked off Hadyai. This is all that to see. Since we paid for 3 days stay, all we did was eat and sleep, enjoying Thai massage and all. I wish I had more pictures, but I was too lazy to take any.
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