It has been a sad week so far. In the last week, 3 students from a primary school lost their lives in a botched up el cheapo bridge that spans across the shallow Sungai Kampar. Despite being shallow, school children, are usually small and short, plus a flow of strong currents would mean, there is hardly chance for survival in they fall inside the river. These children were sent to the campsite to participate in the 1Malaysia activity. Even under such a major event, the organisers failed to take care of the little children and preventing them from such catastrophe. It was just a shame!
Further reading of the Kampar River incident is listed here.
The Star - Kampar River TragedyPictures are on this page.
The Star - Kampar River tragedy picture galleryAs of yesterday (Sunday), another tragedy has happened. This time it involved 3 students from UTAR. It happened in a picnic spot/waterfall area called Batu Berangkai. I took pictures of the area last year and it is located at the bottom of this page
Pictures of the Batu Berangkai waterfall taken in 2008It is most unfortunate for them that this has happened. Locals would know that, if it rains, it is better you do not swim at all. It is dangerous, as the underwater currents can sweep you away. If that doesn't, the sudden gush of water from top to bottom, would kill you. Sadly, lives has been taken away in this incident and nothing could change that. A lot of people have passed away in the past, primary and secondary schoolchildren drowned because they did not know the dangers in the waterfall, though it has never been sensationalised till the recent Sungai Kampar incident. I guess Kampar is heading for a string of disaster. No one has seen it coming.
Kampar - Batu Berangkai Waterfall tragedy